segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2008

Sao Paulo (ILAC Exercise)

In fact Sao Paulo is not the city that I live, but it is a city that I like very much and you can notice better how this city changed during the last 50 years.
Actually Sao Paulo is 454 years old. In fact if you compare with many bigs cities in the world, SP is very young.
Sao Paulo City is the Capital of Sao Paulo State. It is the biggest city in America and the 5th in the world, behind Mumbai (India), Karachi (Pakistan), Délhi (India) and Istambul (Turkey). Live here around 10,886,518 habitants. Sao Paulo is known as “Terra da Garoa” or “Drizzle Land”.
In the past, 30 or 40 years ago, this city was a good place to live. There was many opportunities to work, study and have fun. Today we have goods opportunity to work, study and fun, but the city is not security as in the past. People is always stressed and worried while walk on the streed, there are no plece that you can feel security and it is a vary sad fact because Sao Paulo is a wonderful city. Maybe if the government don`t invest in security and education, the city will lose greats opportunities to develop, but I think that Sao Paulo will win this battle ans tun be that city that was, be a reference as a city.
If you campare Sao Paulo with Vancouver in fact are so differents cities. I can say that Sao Paulo is a city that never sleep and in Vancouver it is not so noticeable as in Sao Paulo. Vancouver is a wonderful city and security too, but in my oppinion Sao Paulo is richer than Vancouver in information, diversity culture and places to fun.
So, it is a litte bit about Sao Paulo.
Have a nice day! :-)

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

I agree!!