domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Fashion - The Everyday and the Extreme (ILAC Exercise)

Hi Naomi, my class finished last week, but I will try to continue participate through my blog :-)

So, the topic for this week is about fashion, but, what is fashion?

In my opinion fashion are not that people who wear expensive clothes just because the tag, for my, fashion is that person who know to combine the clothes, is that person that you look and see there are harmony between the clothes and the person.

Is very commom people saw a Fashion Parade and think thar is very crazy :-) The fashion parade can use comercial clothes, that one you can use, or just to show a idea, just to show the mean of that season or style of the person who creat that clothes.

In fact I don't mind if the cloths have a expensive tag or not, for me the must important is fell confortable and well.

Teacher, I am sorry, but I cant participate in the next test :-)

My friends and teacher, have a nice week.

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